
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tips to Increase Direct Referrals Using facebook

Social networking is one of the best ways to make friends on the internet. In fact, many sites like Facebook, Orkut etc. are popular because of social networking. You can use these networks to increase your income.

Have you ever made more friends yet online? Do you know that this is the secret of getting more referrals in PTC (Paid to click) World? You must be good to your friend and trusted because they will do the same to you. That’s the attitude needed if you want to get more referrals. You must be friendly and patient to all of your friends and be true to them because that’s the way they believe in you. 

After making more friends that trust on you online, you can propose your sites that earn you money every day. Tell them what you do every day and how you make money online. You must explain them clearly and you have proofs that you’ve been paid on that site. 

One of the secret of getting more referrals in just days to my network is making more friends on Facebook. A friend who are willing and interested to    make money online because you and your friends can exchange referrals on your PTC. Getting more friends and referrals can produce you money! Is it right? 

Step by step tutorials to use Facebook to earn online money.
First, create an account on Facebook. 

Second, complete your profile on Facebook; put your primary picture, your interests, hobbies, and making more friends by adding them as your friend…. Note: you can add friends that are interested in making money online, because they can understand why you add them. There are many members of Facebook who are making money all of their time and you must find them. You can propose them that you are interested to exchange referrals, clicks, and comments and rate your articles. 

Third, once you have found those members who are interested in making money online, you can chat, message or comment to them. 

Now you have a PTC (paid to click) sites etc. you must post it in the HOME of Facebook, explain it and upload a payment proof. You can make a picture through screenshots (Print Screen) on your keyboard and paste it to your application PAINT and save it. This maybe you’re Proofs of Payment or the Website you are in. If you are successfully put it in the home of your Facebook, many friends can see it and if it is interesting then they will join. But other members of Facebook are busy doing the same thing of yours, proposing a website that earns them money… now this is what you need to do, you must TAG them with your picture so that it will post to their Facebook profile and this will be more attract to them… 
GOOD Luck to all of you..


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